Helping you understand - Others Jargon!

"Communicating in a clear non-technical manner, really helps."


is a person who breaks through computer security systems

Hand Holding

trying to get cheap training

Hard Drive

A computer's main (and fastest and most convenient) storage for programs and data. All PCs are fitted with hard disks, The hard disk is usually called C: by the computer


physical items such as computer, printers, scanners and external modems


is a single request from a web browser for a single item from a web server

Home Page

is the main page on any website, usually the first one you see


You usually connect to a host computer whenever you use the Internet


Hyper Text Mark-up Language the tagging language used to format Web pages. Allows pictures and text to be combined to create Web documents, and the most important feature - hypertext - making it possible for links to be made between different documents


Hyper Text Transport Protocol is an application-level protocol which is essential for the distribution of information throughout the Web


is a device used to connect computers together


is a peice of highlighted text or image which, when selected (usually by clicking the mouse button), follow a link to another page. Hyperlinks can also be used to automatically download other files as well as sounds and video clips

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