Logical Minds help you sharpen your processes to deliver your projects

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More Time
Logical Minds
More Time

Some things take longer than you think. Getting some small but crucial piece of information takes three phone calls and trip to another department. Deadlines loom. And the old cliché “time is money” was never truer than when it’s your business.

You might even have invested heavily in IT projects that were supposed to free up time. You might also have found that the software you bought was inflexible. Instead of supporting your business processes, you found yourself creating new processes and changing your business to fit the software.

We think that’s wrong.

Logical Minds specialise in creating more time for your business. We look at your processes and systems and help you find ways to make them more efficient through effective use of IT and software. What you achieve with this time is your decision.

How Do We Do It?

In some cases, making time might mean building custom extensions to your existing software. In other cases, an effective solution may be available off the shelf. For other businesses, a completely tailored solution is the only answer.

The main difference being we will not only help you Identify this, but deliver and implement it for you.

Whatever the answer might be, we do what’s right for your business.

Find out more about how we can make you more time
Sharpened Processes
Brief Creation
Selection & Management
Project Management
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